Anime Magical Adventure. One piece could be considered more adventure than fantasy but it still mainly involves fantasy elements. In a world full of magic and mystical stuff there exist guilds designed for the purpose of banding together people of similar affinity and powers.

The titular fairy tail is a famous magical guild that goes on quests for treasures. Suatu ketika ia menyelamatkan seorang bocah robot yang keluar dari dalam abyss. A slow paced and whimsical adventure anime that is filled with beautiful visuals and even more beautiful tales about people their inner desires and life stories.
Ginko is the main protagonist a traveler and researcher of strange beings called mushi.
Robot itu kemudian diberi nama reg. Ginko is the main protagonist a traveler and researcher of strange beings called mushi. With their magic the group will complete challenges face down foes and learn more about each other and themselves in a magical anime adventure. Suatu ketika ia menyelamatkan seorang bocah robot yang keluar dari dalam abyss.