Anime Proportions Face. Follow these basic principles to learn how to draw any manga character s face. See more ideas about face proportions face drawing drawings.

Nose halfway between the top of the eyes and the bottom of the chin. See more ideas about face proportions face drawing drawings. F r e e d o w n l o a d download the essential proportions of the face infographic at the end of this article to use as a reminder of these basic proportions.
Many beginners choose anime manga as their first drawing style because it looks very simple and appealing.
Here are five proportions of the face that can be easily memorized and used as reference points during the block in of your next portrait drawing. In the above example the facial features are placed as follows. See more ideas about face proportions face drawing drawings. Now you know how to draw proportions of a manga face but you still need to learn about the details to draw it convincingly.