Fantasy Adventure Anime. And lots of pirate stuff. One piece could be considered more adventure than fantasy but it still mainly involves fantasy elements.

He goes from one place to another in search of their origin. There is everything you could want in this anime. Memiliki jiwa petualangan namun ingin menikmati petualangan tersebut dengan cara yang lebih mudah dan aman.
Di sepanjang perjalanan luffy mengumpulkan nakama satu demi satu dan menghadapi musuh musuh yang punya kekuatan unik.
One piece could be considered more adventure than fantasy but it still mainly involves fantasy elements. Anime genre fantasy adventure anime genre adventure fantasy action anime genre adventure fantasy comedy anime genre adventure dan fantasy anime bergenre. One piece mengisahkan tentang perjalanan monkey d. A slow paced and whimsical adventure anime that is filled with beautiful visuals and even more beautiful tales about people their inner desires and life stories.