Fantasy Romance Anime. If you are looking for some good fantasy romance anime to watch but are confused to select from so many anime tiles then don t worry. Anime recommendations article category romance anime genres anime movies types kaichou wa maid sama maid sama shigatsu wa kimi no uso your lie in april clannad koe no katachi a silent voice ano hi mita hana no namae wo bokutachi wa mada shiranai anohana.

Genre ini sangat digemari karena terdapat hal hal unik didalamnya seperti latar fiksi dengan cerita yang tidak biasa serta kisah cinta antara dua karakter yang juga membuat hati dan emosi pentonton berubah ubah. You are in good hands. This genre is very popular because there are unique things in it like a fiction background with an unusual story as well as a love story between two characters that also makes the hearts and emotions of audience change.
Running for a full four years the tale of kagome and inuyasha has become one of anime s most notable love stories.
Of course there are plenty more aspects that go into a great fantasy romance anime but without enjoyable characters or a unique setting the anime becomes either a typical or boring tale of love. Anime fantasy romance merupakan genre yang sangat disukai oleh beberapa pecinta anime khususnya para pecinta genre romance. Tapi ketiga cowok tersebut memiliki rahasia yang nggak boleh dilihat oleh. You are in good hands.