Romantic Fantasy Genre. Using language that is often exaggerated. Romantic fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy fiction describing a fantasy story using many of the elements and conventions of the romance genre.

Books which combine romance with a specific type of fantasy setting. This genre is very popular because there are unique things in it like a fiction background with an unusual story as well as a love story between two characters that also makes the hearts and emotions of audience change. Works of urban fantasy are set primarily in the real world and contain aspects of fantasy such as the discovery of earthbound mythological creatures coexistence or conflict between humans and.
1 one of the key features of romantic fantasy involves the focus on relationships social political and romantic.
Romance novels in which spiritual beliefs are an inherent part of the love story character growth or relationship development and could not be removed without damaging the. Romance with spiritual elements. It s a term generally used to encompass the genres of fantasy science fiction horror superhero fiction and dystopian fiction. The romance genre shares many common characteristics such as widespread appeal.